Saturday, March 8, 2008

Last Week's Beaver's Show (#118)

On the Leave It Two Beavers radio show, our dating topics were "Blowing Them Off Gently" (breaking up in a tactful and gracious way), and "Are You Afraid To Date?". On both topics we offered valueable insight on dealing with these issues.
If you've found yourself afraid to get out there and date again, chances are you're in a rut - going to the same places, doing the same things. It's time to shake your routines up a little by expanding your horizons and possibly your dating choices. The trick here is to learn to diversify your plans, venture a little farther than you normally do. Make small changes, build up your confidence levels and people will start to take notice in a positive way. Test our ideas - they really work!
In the break up world, there really is no nice way to blow off your date, but using tact whenever possible is the best action. We're not saying you should lie, because that tactic could come back to bite you in the ass. As hard as it may be to be honest, in the long run it is more appreciated than a flat out lie to get you out of dating that person again.
Oh, and don't say let's just be friends even if you mean it - it's just too high school to play that card!

Cheers, S.

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